agosto 15, 2023
When we suffer from gastrointestinal problems, we may experience vomiting and diarrhea, leading to dehydration and electrolyte loss.
In these cases, it is essential to maintain adequate hydration that provides these essential substances to replenish the losses. For the body to absorb the ingested water properly, it requires a composition of mineral salts and electrolytes similar to that of blood, known as an isotonic composition. Therefore, when experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, or other similar conditions, relying on a good isotonic drink like RAW, which is completely organic and free from added sugars but also contains a significant amount of minerals and electrolytes, is crucial.
If you wonder what to eat with diarrhea and what to drink for diarrhea, the first answer is much more complex than the second. If diarrhea is severe or in any case, our recommendation is always the same: consult your doctor about the type of diet you should follow. They will explain why you should rely on beverages with a good supply of mineral salts and electrolytes and why you should especially avoid all types of sugary and carbonated drinks.
RAW is an excellent option to ensure proper hydration, both in healthy individuals and those with gastrointestinal issues. RAW is a BIO drink, clean, and functional. As mentioned before, if we experience electrolyte losses due to vomiting or diarrhea, we should choose a drink that hydrates us and has an adequate content of electrolytes. Other types of isotonic drinks contain added sugar, which can be counterproductive if we have diarrhea.
For a drink to help with rehydration, it should contain less than 10% carbohydrates in its composition. Additionally, some isotonic drinks have a much higher proportion of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, phosphorus, etc.) than recommended, which can worsen bowel movements (by containing higher amounts of sugar and electrolytes, they can lead to osmotic diarrhea).
Foods that promote the proper functioning of our digestive system are those with a lower degree of processing, i.e., those that we can obtain naturally (especially fruits and vegetables), while "ultra-processed" foods will provide us with low-quality ingredients (harmful fats, excessive salt intake, added sugars...) that will not benefit us at all.
In recent years, it has been proven that sugary drinks do not provide any health benefits and do not have advantages over other types of drinks without added sugars. It is important to differentiate between drinks with artificially added sugars and those that naturally contain sugars (due to the presence of fruits in their ingredients, such as in the case of RAW Superdrink).
Currently, the WHO has established that the maximum recommended daily sugar intake should be 25 grams, an amount often exceeded when consuming drinks of this kind. This is a serious problem that affects the health of millions of people, contributing to overweight and obesity, along with associated health issues.
Maintaining a healthy digestive system has a global impact on the entire body. It is necessary to consider that through digestion, we obtain the necessary nutrients to keep our body functioning correctly. Moreover, our intestines harbor bacteria (microbiota) that play a significant role in various conditions such as diabetes, overweight, or obesity.
The daily fluid intake needs vary according to age and weight. For individuals with normal weight and no conditions requiring special hydration (renal or cardiac insufficiency, etc.), an approximate total consumption of 35 ml per kilogram of body weight is recommended (e.g., for a person weighing 70 kg, a recommended intake of 2450 ml). It's important to know that this amount corresponds to the total fluid intake, including coffee, teas, broths, fruits, vegetables, and not just free water.
Although isotonic drinks like RAW Superdrink are generally recommended after sports activities or during digestive processes that increase water and electrolyte losses, they can also be a suitable option if following a special diet like intermittent fasting, to maintain a proper supply of electrolytes during the fasting period.
agosto 29, 2023
agosto 25, 2023
agosto 22, 2023
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